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    Step by Step Guideline To Start Blogging Business

    Welcome to this article & Congratulations ! You have already completed our previous Articles about Blogging. Still Now you are in first step to start Blogging. From this Article you can learn total guideline to start Blogging & make money from a blog site. If you are determine that you will make money from your blog site Read this Article carefully. I can give you 100% earning guarantee from your blog site if you read this article and follow our given guideline.

    Before Start blogging you should know basic knowledge about blogging:

    👉 What is Blog ?

    → Blog is the short form of "WEBLOGS". Basically Blog is a website where a blogger publish / write informative article about particular topics regularly by which people will be benefited or solve their problems called blog site. If you yet don't understand clearly please keep reading Here.

    👉 How many kind of Blog & what ?

    → It is very important to know How many kind of blog and what are they. Don't worry keep reading.... you must be benefited or make money if you have writing skills or writing is your hobby or you can start online business without investment or have small investment. There are Eight (8) kind of blog. Before starting your blogging business you should read about every kind of blog specifically because if you don't know them clearly you will not take Decision.  
    1. Personal Blogs
    2. Business Blogs
    3. Professional Blogs
    4. Nice Blogs
    5. Reverse Blogs
    6. Affiliate Blogs
    7. Media Blogs
    8. Freelance Blogs
    Don't skip single word of this Guideline because Still now you are on first step to start Blogging.

    👉 How can you make money from a blog site ?

    → It is a great news that you can make money from your blog site. Before make money from your blog site you have to ensure that in your blog have enough articles which solve problem of your reader / visitor and have enough traffic / visitor. If your blog site have enough visitor you can make money from your site. There are many way to make money from your blog (You should learn details about earning ways).

    • Google Adsense 
    • Facebook Instant Article 
    • or Monetize by any Platform
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • CPA or CPM Monetize
    • Own Service Sell 
    • Digital Product Sell
    • Sell Membership etc.
    Don't go away ! You will be Surprised by reading below section. Because we introduce some successful bloggers who make money smart amount from their blog site. 

    Top Blog site's per month Earning Report. If you work hard & soul you can make money from your blog site. Here introduce some to earning blog sites

    1. Mashable is the top level Blog site and their per month income $2 million.
    2. Make Money Expert.com - income is $1.3 million.
    3. Engadget is also top level blog site and their per month income $5.5 million.
    4. HuffPost – Monthly income: $18 million

    Many people / Blogger have earned from their blog site. Why you can't ? So it is high time to take right Decision. I confidently says again that Just follow my instruction; you must make money from your blog site. Yet if you don't clear anything above discussion please comment's here. I will solve your Problem. 

    You should Read this article for going to next step. Why Keyword Research is very important to start Blogging Business.

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